Odoo frequently asked questions

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Odoo is an enterprise software that primarily focuses on integration, ease of use, and scalability. It can collaborate different processes on a single integrated platform, eliminating the need to use multiple software.

This saves a lot of time as data remains in one environment and actions are exchanged between applications. 

Il peut faire collaborer différents processus sur une seule plateforme intégrée, éliminant ainsi le besoin d'utiliser différents logiciels. Cela permet de gagner beaucoup de temps car les données restent dans un seul environnement et les actions sont échangées entre les applications. 

Ease of use, integrated, scalable, wide applicability, open source, flexible in adaptations, constantly evolving, design, innovative, value for money.

In 2022, Odoo reached 10 million users.

Of these, 1 million are paying users, while the rest are active in the community version.

This was presented by Sébastien Bruyr at the Odoo Experience 2023. The video can be viewed ici.

Odoo is suitable for small, medium-sized (SMEs), and large enterprises alike. The software's benefits and advanced configuration allow for numerous possibilities. Although the emphasis is mainly on SMEs, many large companies already use this system for various activities. Is Odoo Belgian?  

the community version of Odoo is free and open source. Additionally, Odoo offers a deal on Odoo Enterprise that can be used for free: "1 free application." This means that only one application can be used in the environment, and once additional applications are installed, the environment becomes paid.  

However, there are other costs associated with the community version. This includes hosting and maintenance.


Odoo as a product is versatile and can be used in many ways. As a support for processes, it can thus be considered reliable. Additionally, hosting on Odoo SaaS and Odoo.sh is stable, making the software practically always available, with a few planned exceptions as described in their service serveur level agreements.

Odoo SH is Platform as a Service (PaaS) - a platform where developers or consultants can work. The platform also ensures backups and allows for easy maintenance.

Since the platform is supported by Odoo, there is also a direct link to the app store (apps.odoo.com), making it easy to install applications.

Odoo.sh is primarily used as an intermediate solution as an alternative to standard hosting (SaaS), where customizations and code are limited, and to a dedicated server or self-hosting, which incurs costs and additional work.

Odoo Community is the open-source version of Odoo. It is available for free and contains some of the features present in the Enterprise edition. Some features, such as localization, are not included in this free version.

Additionally, the Community version is not supported by Odoo. Bugs, migrations, and updates are not handled by Odoo.

There are three main differences: features, service, and maintenance.

Features: Odoo introduces new features every year and primarily releases them in the Odoo Enterprise edition. The difference with the Community edition becomes more significant each year, requiring more development.

Service: The Community edition is self-supported. Odoo does not provide services in this regard. Nalios also focuses solely on the Enterprise edition due to the available features and growth opportunities.

Odoo sticks with the Community edition due to its history and large customer base. There is also a lot of help provided for product improvement and brand awareness.

cette page, you can find more details about the differences between the versions.

An Odoo partner ensures that the system is implemented in the best possible way for the client's processes. If necessary, adjustments can be made through development, but it is preferable to avoid this.There are several categories of Odoo partner. Discover their characteristics just ici !

Additionally, a partner provides training, migrations, upgrades, and system extensions as needed to support the processes.

Nalios is one of these partners, with over 100 active and productive clients!

Odoo is a Belgian company. It was founded in Grand-Rosière, Wallonia, by Fabien Pinckaers.

Since its inception, the company has become a global player in the field of enterprise software, with offices on all continents. While in the early years, offices were primarily opened in Belgium (in Brussels and later in Louvain-la-Neuve) as well as a few larger satellite offices (in Hong Kong, San Francisco, and India), the company now also has offices in the United Arab Emirates, Mexico, Buffalo (USA), Kenya, Valencia, Berlin, Indonesia, Luxembourg, Antwerp, and Australia. It can be expected that this will continue to expand in the years to come.  

Odoo has been in existence since July 4, 2004. The company behind Odoo was founded by Fabien Pinckaers. At that time, it was known as "tinyERP."

In 2008, it underwent another name change to become OpenERP.

The latest name change occurred in 2014, when the current purple colors and the name "Odoo" were introduced. There are many different stories about why the name "Odoo" was chosen. Here's the reason provided by Odoo itself:

The choice of Odoo was made after an analysis showed that a high number of "O"s in the name, and even a chart was created to show that the number of "O"s had a relationship with the average valuation of companies.

Cet article provides more information on the topic. 

How much does Odoo cost? 

The cheapest version of Odoo Enterprise is free (1 app free). To access the entire product, you pay up to 37.4 euros per person per month. The first year, you benefit from a discount, which means you pay 29.90 euros per month.

If you work entirely with Odoo standards, you pay 24.90 euros and 19.90 euros with a discount for the first year.

Odoo.sh costs from 48.16 euros per month, but this may increase depending on usage. 

Odoo is transparent with its prices, you can find everything on this page:

Price of licences

Odoo.sh hosting prices..